Are we Humans Suitable for the Existence of Animals
We humans have categorized ourselves into the domain of being one of the most superior animals of the world. But, have we humans ever thought that this decision of declaring oneself as the superior organism is somewhat Hippocratic and this may affect our entire living system? On the other hand, we even refer Nature as the balanced state where all elements of the nature live harmoniously under a fixed principle. Here, a simple question arises that in the name of food chain existence; have we went huge distant where certain species that remained out of the chart were even damaged and relished for fun. Is this the way we need to deal with the species of Kingdom Animalia?
In every minute one animal is abused and around 71% of the people is connected with the domestic violence. Not only this, in order to satisfy the human needs various animals have been captivated in different operations such as around 97% of the animals like cattle and oxen have been abused annually. Similarly, countries as PRC have been have held around 6,000 tigers captive for the traditional medicine. So, do these incidences qualifies the qualities of humanity, animality or the devility where we feel feared with these animals due to their size and a misperception of their anger and rage to attack without any cause?
One such research paper constructed by the trio of Dr. Sinchan Das, Priyankesh Mishra and Radha Modak “Psychology behindAnimal Cruelty; Exploring the Root Cause for Cruelty” justified why people are mercilessly against these non-human animals. The increasing outrage has not only dated from the current world rather the frustration and showing-off complexity has somewhat been the triggering factor from million years ago. And currently we the people of millennial and future generation are carrying those traits and expressing some in genetic form and some in more aggressive rate than in previous ratio. Moreover, the expression of globalization has somewhat mixed up the cultural varieties and this has increased the different food in some regions where the climatic and natural existence have been apart. So, arguing and rationalizing consumption of huge exotic animals such as sharks, buff, beef, octopus and many more under the heading of food chain is not captive with the actual scenario. This is the criminal activity including torturing, dominating, and evil practices what we humans have been hiding within the frame of “Darwin’s ‘Survival of the Fittest”. So, I have a small question these criminal activities do justify us on being humans or inter-relate us to be a part of the Animal Kingdom or even this nature.
The increasing dominance and frustration to show-off our command on these animals whose voice is inaudible to us could not justify any actions where these non-humane animals have also life. But, as the greatest Physicist Sir Albert Einstein in his Pain Wave Theory suggested that increasing suffering of an individual is not only restricted to the region or slaughter house but it repels and comes back as deadliest calamity. Hence, increasing diseases, natural calamities and many more catastrophes are the example of such pain wave reflex. So, I keep a question here for that do we humans truly belong to this nature??